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Hello, if you realize, you're actually at someone's blog (duh). The next thing you have to realize is that you don't need to know who I am. (of course if you're my friend you will know). So I love arts. Any forms of arts. Of course, I love food too. This intro is lame. Whatever. Keep exploring this blog if you care. (:


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Miichiko. Thanks to Pixel-diary for the cute pixels and icons.

Stress free! ♥
Sunday, May 19, 2013 | 0 comments
Finally, no more stress after such a long time. Exam is over, audition is over too. (: Hope I didn't screw up for my papers. But I kinda screwed up the audition. The person told me to take shaker and I took tambourine, and when he asked me to play B flat I played D. Please don't be angry at me. D:
Went home quite late last night. 11. But it's okay, we should celebrate. (:
Yesterday on the way to audition. I know I look ugly there shhh.

Well... nothing much to write about though. Will have a proper post soon.

because she was there when you weren't.